Breast Cancer Alert

    By Margaret Okubo

    Every woman age 40 years and over knows how important it is to examine her breast once each month. The recommended time for this examination is a few days to one week after menstruation as there are usually physical changes to the breast during and immediately after menstruation.

    The purpose of this examination is to detect early any presence of a lump. Performing this monthly examination has saved many lives. However, a new form of breast cancer has surfaced. It is known as Inflammatory Breast Cancer or IBC.

    This form of breast cancer, considered to be the most aggressive form of cancer, has been unrecognized for a long time. Breast cancer societies interviewed had not heard of it. Out of the forty-six people interviewed about this condition only four people had heard of IBC.

    IBC is not a respecter of age. A 16 year old girl has died from this form of cancer. She was ashamed to tell her mother about the change in her breast structure. Previously, doctors diagnosed IBC, in its early stages, as a bug bite and prescribed antibiotic therapy. Needless to say those patients have since died.

    A mammogram alone may not detect IBC.

    Early signs and Symptoms

    Redness (warm to the touch)
    Lesion like a bug bite

    Later symptoms

    Slightly enlarged breast
    Thickening of the skin
    Persistent itching
    Inverted nipple

    IBC is a very aggressive and rare form of cancer. It may occur in men but usually at an older age than in women

    Breast Ultrasound.




    Margaret Okubo. Author/Poet

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