New Treatments for Breast Cancer (dvd) Breast cancer is becoming a greater threat to women's health, but there are new treatments emerging that will help women with the battle, including tumor vaccines and therapies which enhance immune response to cancer. This program focuses on the newest treatments emerging from research and for which patients they will be most appropriate. Ellie Guardino, M.D., PhD., is an Instructor in the Department of Medical Oncology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Dr. Guardino earned her MD/PhD in Microbiology and Immunology from Georgetown University. Following her residency in Internal Medicine at Harvard, she completed a fellowship in the Department of Medicine, Division of Oncology, at Stanford. Dr. Guardino is developing immune therapies and vaccines for breast cancer including dendritic cell approaches and recombinant gene therapy vaccines for early breast cancers that are a high risk and for advanced breast cancer. She is actively involved in community education on breast cancer and hopes to keep women up to date on the latest diagnostic tests for detection and advances on the treatment of breast cancer. New Treatments for Breast Cancer |
Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book:4th Edition 2005 (Paperback) Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book has been considered the bible of breast-care books since it appeared in 1990. In 1995, Love completely updated the book in a 600-page second edition, including new biopsy and screening methods, implants, the pros and cons of hormone therapy, new discoveries in breast-cancer treatment, and many other topics. Every chapter has been rewritten, with the exception of the anatomy chapter ("The breast, I'm glad to report, is still located on the chest!"). Love presents copious medical information in a simple, welcoming style, and plentiful illustrations make the information even clearer. About two-thirds of the book deals with breast cancer: risk factors, prevention, screening, diagnosis, staging, emotions, treatment options, surgery, alternative treatments, clinical trials, and more. But the book isn't just about breast cancer. It's also about breast development, physiology, bras, nursing, sexuality--if it has to do with breasts, Love discusses it. Love also debunks breast myths: underwire bras do not cause cancer, neither do bruises or injuries; "fibrocystic disease" isn't really a disease. The book includes a wealth of resources: books, treatment centers, and organizations (but no Web sites--perhaps in the third edition?). --Joan Price --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book:4th Edition 2005 |
Secrets for Reducing Your Breast Cancer Risk (DVD) It's estimated that 1 in 8 women in the United States may develop breast cancer during their lifetime.* Concerns about developing breast cancer worry nearly all women, but there are ways to help reduce your breast cancer risk. In this program, Dr. Edward Conley reveals 10 secrets that provide critical information women need to make informed decisions about t heir health and lifestyle. Discover which supplements, natural foods and antioxidants protect your breasts from damage. Find out about the safer estrogen that does not increase breast cancer and a simple test that predicts it. There is hope in the fight against breast cancer and you can be a part of it. Start taking Simple steps today to help reduce your breast cancer risk tomorrow! Bonus! Dr. Conley shares five additional secrets to help reduce your breast cancer risk while improving and maintaining good health. The bonus material also includes a Q&A session with audience participants from the program. Secrets for Reducing Your Breast Cancer Risk |
Just Get Me Through This!: The Practical Guide to Breast Cancer (Paperback) It's hard to believe that a breast cancer guide can be fun, but breast cancer survivor Cohen and oncologist Gelfand have produced a book that combines medical information with the kind of warm, funny, rueful sharing a woman gets from a good talk with her girlfriends. The authors understand that surviving an illness as emotionally and physically traumatic as breast cancer requires help not only with big issues but also with apparently trivial ones. In between solid and well-summarized discussions on diagnostic, treatment and reconstruction options, they share a plethora of tips on the smaller but still difficult problems faced by disease victims, such as finding the right post-chemo headgear (silk slides off a bald skull, so cotton is better). They prepare readers for everything from insensitive remarks (when Cohen told one acquaintance she was starting chemotherapy that day, he replied, "So I guess you're not available for lunch") and hormonal swings to insurance problems. The tone is upbeat but realistic, sympathetic but never patronizing; "Rules of the Road" sections directed to friends and family give them advice on how to offer useful support. This wise, balanced book is a welcome addition to a woman's medical care library, offering not just warm, intelligent hand-holding for breast cancer victims but also useful insights for anyone with a friend or family member suffering from this frightening disease. (May) Just Get Me Through This!: The Practical Guide to Breast Cancer |
Breast Cancer: Early Detection (DVD) Breast cancer is probably one of the diseases women fear the most, but in the past 30 years there have been tremendous advances in the treatment and detection of breast cancer. In this program, we'll examine the new forms of treatment designed to help women fight breast cancer and lower the risk of the disease returning in the future. Also, we'll highlight some of the targeted therapies that are changing the way doctors approach breast cancer and are giving women much higher survival rates. Plus, we'll see how mammograms can be made digital, allowing the experts to get a closer look at what could be cancer in its earliest forms. And we'll see why detecting the cancer in its earliest stages offers women the best chance for a cure. This program is part of the award winning public television series Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply. Breast Cancer: Early Detection |
There's No Place Like Hope: A Guide to Beating Cancer in Mind-sized Bites (Hardcover) This is Vickie Girard’s long-awaited and completely indispensable survival guide for cancer patients and their families. Regardless of the type of cancer, here is an immediate, practical, and inspiring guide that will empower any patient to better fight and survive this disease. Through her involvement with the Cancer Treatment Centersof America and The American Cancer Society, Vickie Girardhas taken her message of “empowered patient care” to the floor of the U.S. Senate and to thousands of cancer patients and survivors throughout the world. The message is simple, hopeful, powerful, and long overdue: “We must stop speaking of cancer in whispers. We may have cancer, but cancer does not have us. Cancer is a beatable, treatable, survivable disease.” --This text refers to an alternate Hardcover edition. There's No Place Like Hope: A Guide to Beating Cancer in Mind-sized Bites |
STOTT PILATES: Pilates For Breast Cancer Rehab (DVD) Restore strength and confidence with this empowering rehabilitation routine! Join STOTT PILATES® Master Instructor Trainer PJ O Clair in this gentle workout designed to prepare your body for a healthy active lifestyle. This introductory workout will help restore proper alignment of the back and shoulders, and regain strength to maintain proper posture. You will increase your endurance and range of motion while minimizing muscle soreness and weakness. So grab your pink Toning Balls and let us coach you through recovery! INSTRUCTIONAL LEVEL: Level 1 of 5 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Exercise Mat and two 1lb or 2lb Toning Balls STOTT PILATES: Pilates For Breast Cancer Rehab |
Breast Cancer Survival Manual, Fourth Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Woman With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer (Paperback) In a valuable guide for women who have just been diagnosed with breast cancer, Dr. John Link helps sort through the confusion and the fear, by explaining such things as how to get a second opinion and how to understand a pathology report. Particularly valuable is Link's step-by-step description of how breast cancer is characterized, or staged, according to tumor size, hormone receptors, and other factors--and how that affects prognosis. As a breast cancer specialist at Long Beach and Orange Coast Memorial hospitals in Southern California, Link knows the medical jargon and what it means. Although his writing style is at times a bit jargony and difficult to read, a breast cancer patient will willingly read and reread every word. The book also includes useful chapters on diet, exercise, herbs, and vitamins; managing the side effects of treatment; healing's mind-body connection; and organizing medical records and keeping a personal journal or log. Ending on an encouraging note, Link writes, "You should know that most women today are cured of breast cancer. They undergo treatment, become survivors, and go on with their lives. But having breast cancer is certainly a wake-up call to many and may be for you. Life now has added uncertainty." This step-by-step manual helps you navigate the uncertainty and become a survivor, both physically and psychologically. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Breast Cancer Survival Manual, Fourth Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Woman With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer |
Pilates Therapeutics Breast Cancer Survivor's Guide to Physical Restoration This is a 108-minute presentation of Pilates Method exercises especially designed for women who have had or are going to have surgeries related to breast cancer. Exercises can be done at home without special equipment. Created for patients and Pilates enthusiasts, Therapists and Chiropractors and health care professionals, now available direct to you on! Learn techniques for post-operative rehabilitation from mastectomy, lumpectomy, lymphectomy, and reconstructive procedures such as the tram flap, lat flap and prosthesis installation. Also excellent for general core and trunk strengthening prior to surgery, and the principles covered apply to any general rib and chest pain. These powerful exercises are also perfect for anyone wanting a better understanding of the Pilates Method. Please consult your physician before beginning this or any other exercise program. The instruction presented on this video is not intended as a substitute for medical counseling. To learn more about Core Strength, try our popular Pilates Therapeutics Core Series DVDs, available here on Amazon! Pilates Therapeutics Breast Cancer Survivor's Guide to Physical Restoration |
Breast Cancer and Iodine : How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer (Paperback) I have taken my personal experience in practice along with the details of treatment of patient together with published literature and proposed a testable theory of breast cancer. The lack of a theory of cancer and especially breast cancer has made treatment difficult and empirical. The book is divided into four parts. The first part discusses iodine. From published facts, we can arrive at a proposal that iodine could be the first phase of a two phase cancer defence system. It appears that iodine in the extra-cellular fluid outside of the cells is the main surveillance system for abnormal cells. Iodine also triggers the natural death of normal cells in the body. There are many cells types in the body undergoing a natural death. For example some of the cells in the stomach have lives of only 2-3 days. The name of this process is apoptosis. Carefully documented descriptions of the cancer process at different places in the body reveals most cancers have similar stages through which it passes. The cancers are not really cancer until the cells start to move by invasion through the nearby connective tissue. Cells develop abnormalities for a variety of reasons and can continue to become abnormal all the way up through atypical cells and to carcinoma in situ. Carcinoma in situ is the dividing line between the two phases of cancer development. Iodine in correct doses will reverse all of the changes up to and including the carcinoma in situ. The thyroid hormone controls connective tissue function. So connective tissue around organs forms a structural biological barrier to the spread of cancer. Cancer spread to distant organs only develops in the connective tissue of those organs. Therefore, if the connective tissue defence is not strong then the cancerous cell from a distant site can land there and grow. If however the thyroid hormone level in the connective tissue is high enough then the connective tissue will perform its normal defence duties and not allow the cancer cell to enter it and develop. Using these principles, fibrocystic disease and breast cancer become more understandable. Supplemental iodine in the correct doses will remove all lesions from carcinoma in situ back to just an abnormal cell by triggering death of these cells by apoptosis. Spread of cancer cells in the connective tissue can be arrested by adequate treatment with thyroid hormone to strengthen the connective tissue barrier. My experience with patients using this approach so far has been successful. The principles are that there are two phases to cancer one controlled by iodine and the other by thyroid hormone. Thus the book deals with the prevention and survival of breast cancer. Breast Cancer and Iodine : How to Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer |