Author: Health4987
Breast cancer is one disease that is often experienced by women and is the most deadly diseases. In each year, there were 46,000 women who have breast cancer.
Actually a lot of ways you can do to prevent breast cancer. Some ways you can do is to eat vegetables, fruits and milk twice a week to help prevent breast cancer. This is consistent with the suggestion several investigators and has been proven through evidence obtained after studying 50 overweight women aged about 30-45 years. These women have a genetic risk for developing breast cancer.
From the results of these studies, it is known that women who lack calorie intake to 650 calories twice a week will impact significantly decreased hormone levels that would trigger cancer in the blood. By doing your diet to restrict calories so much more than, reduce the size of the meal every meal every day. A diet that is recommended, among others, four servings of vegetables, a piece of fruit, one quart low-fat milk, and a cup of green tea. This will greatly affect all cells in the body, especially in the breast.
It has long been known that lowering body porch can help prevent breast cancer, because excess weight is believed to be the cause of a third of all cases of breast cancer. It is known to some of the researchers after conducting research for six months and find that respondents who experienced a decrease in hormone levels in the blood cancer. Another thing also to note is that the average body weight was also reduced at 6.5 Kg.
The main challenges to prevent breast cancer are many people who struggle to lose weight. And if nothing works, within one or two years later most people will return to its original weight. So you start now try to make healthy eating and exercise become part of your lifestyle.
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